Temat lekcji:
Powtórzenie wiadomości z rozdziału” Szkoła”-słuchanie, rozumienie tekstu czytanego.
Cele :
Rozwijanie umiejętności rozumienia tekstu słuchanego( zadanie typu prawda/fałsz)
Rozwijanie umiejętności rozumienia tekstu czytanego( test wielokrotnego wyboru)
Utrwalenie poznanego słownictwa i struktur gramatycznych( poprzez zadania ze słuchania i rozumienia tekstu czytanego
Planowany przebieg lekcji;
Zadanie 1.
Posłuchaj dwóch wypowiedzi. Zadecyduj, które zdania (1.1.–1.5.) są prawdziwe (T – TRUE), a które – fałszywe (F – FALSE).
1. According to text 1, musicians are better language learners.
Prawda /Fałsz
2. According to text 1, a study was conducted to show the role of music in language education.
Prawda/ Fałsz
3. According to the new method mentioned in text 2, in order to learn Chinese, you have to learn over 3000 characters in Chinese by heart.
Prawda/ Fałsz
4. According to text 2, Chinese is easier than it seems.
Prawda /Fałsz
5. Both texts could be news items.
Prawda/ Fałsz
Zadanie 2.
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. W każdym zadaniu (2.1.–2.5.) wybierz jedną odpowiedź spośród A, B lub C.
Chinese Students in the USA
At the University of Chicago this summer, Yan, who is 17, spent two long months over documents from the American Civil War and the poetry of Walt Whitman. Ms. Yan is a senior. She lives in Shanghai. She is a serious student, hoping that the summer course in the United States will help her in the crazy competition among Chinese students to get into a good American college. “Reading the documents, I really felt that I was working out what happened at that time by myself,” she said. “That is very different from my the ways of learning history I have known so far.”
More than 100,000 Chinese students, some as young as 10, came to the United States this summer to study American life and culture. Some participated in programmes designed to improve their exam scores. Others had fun on group tours that visited New York and Disneyland. Some enjoyed outdoor camps. The growing number of students traveling to the United States for the summer is a new trend. Until recently, Chinese students wanting to study in American colleges and private high schools were preparing only at home, in China.
Some Chinese high schools even modify their curriculum, especially for students who already know that they want to attend a college in the United States rather than China. Between their junior and senior years, many of these students travel to the United States hoping to work on their English language skills. In some Chinese high schools, summer school in the United States is now almost expected for students who want to go to college there. Families pay for good programmes as long as they can afford them.
adapted from: http://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/2011/177633.htm
2.1. Yan
A. is going to college after the summer.
B. will finish high school next year.
C. is getting her master’s degree.
2.2. Which statement is true?
A. Yan compares the Chinese and American education systems.
B. Yan wants to study history.
C. Yan studied the Chinese revolutions in the U.S.
2.3. The author
A. thinks that American SAT courses are very effective.
B. informs that the students who arrive are about 10 years old.
C. mentions three ways Chinese students spend time in the U.S.
2.4. A Chinese student can prepare for an American college
A. in China.
B. in the U.S.
C. both answers are correct.
2.5. Prestigious Chinese high schools
A. advise that their students should prepare for an American college abroad.
B. expect to be paid for preparing their students for a college.
C. teach according to the traditional Chinese curriculum.
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Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Galina Kuchta .