Temat lekcji:
Rozwiązywanie zadań maturalnych. Powtórzenie materiału z rozdziału ” ZAKUPY I USŁUGI”
Planowany przebieg lekcji:
*Przypomnij sobie słownictwo na temat ” ZAKUPY I USŁUGI ”. Podręcznik str.124-125 Bank słów. Link do podręcznika w formacie PDF:
*Przypomnij sobie wzory form pisemnych obowiązujących na poziomie podstawowym oraz zwroty przydatne przy wypowiedzi pisemnej( str.20 -26. Link do podręcznika podany wyżej)
*Rozwiąż zadania . Odpowiedzi przyślij na Messenger lub elikor@onet.pl. Powodzenia.
Pytanie 1/4
Wysłuchaj wywiadu i odpowiedz na pytanie, zakreślając poprawne opcje.
According to the text, which five of the factors listed below could be the reasons for buying something impulsively?
A. an interesting product
B. our family tell us to buy something
C. we need something for work
D. there is an attractive price
E. we do not want to have a car
F. we want to express emotions
Pytanie 2/4
Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj, które z poniższych zdań (2.1.–2.5.) są prawdziwe (T – TRUE), a które – fałszywe (F – FALSE).
The Science of Shopping
The American shopper has never been so demanding. What are stores doing about it? Using science. In fact, more and more stores are using scientific techniques to improve sales.
Some people have made careers out of observing shoppers doing shopping. Some of the more interesting observations include: the dangers of “body brushes” (if the aisles are too narrow and people have to touch each other when they pass, they tend to leave the store), the tendency of shoppers to turn right when they enter a store (people shop like the drive – on the right side), and the importance of not putting anything important near the entrance, because shoppers quickly walk through that area without noticing anything in it.
In looking into consumers’ minds, Dr. Joshua Freedman, a clinical professor of psychiatry, uses a brain scan that shows an increase in blood flow in the brain in certain situation. He used such scans in 2004 to analyze voters’ reactions to political commercials. “Then I thought, politics may not be quite ready for this,” Dr. Freedman recalled. “I decided we should try this method out in general marketing.” He has found that about a half of commercials do not produce any brain reaction at all. “There was no engagement,” Dr. Freedman said. And an advertisement that does not cause any reaction in the brain will not make someone buy something, he said.
A different approach involves using statistical techniques. Some things tested seemed obvious at first. Surely, a full-page advertisement attracts more attention than a half-page one, and bright color should also be catchy. However, some surprises came up. A full-page advert wasn’t any more effective than a half-page one. The addition of color — a considerable expense — did not bring in any extra sales. So, advert’s size didn’t have an effect and color didn’t have an effect. But when you put them together, they did have an effect. Quite unexpected, is it not?
adapted from:
A.The article mentions three scientific methods of studying shoppers.
Prawda/ Fałsz
B. People do not mind “body brushes”.
Prawda/ Fałsz
C. Shoppers easily find what they need near the entrance.
D. Dr Freedman changed his academic interests over time.
E. From the last paragraph we can conclude that science can be more effective than intuition.
Prawda/ Fałsz
Pytanie 3/4
Wstaw czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie.
January is a month many consumers buy things they don’t end up (3.1.) …………………………………. (use), spend money they later wish they (3.2.) …………………………………. (have/not), and waste their time looking for further sales.
Reductions and the way they (3.3.) …………………………………. (present) in stores answer to our primitive psychological impulses.
We are afraid to miss out and we worry that others (3.4.) …………………………………. (win) the competition for the product.
People would buy less if they (3.5.) …………………………………. (focus) on saving, and not spending.
adapted from: http://www.collegefashion.net/shopping/top-5-ways-to-be-a-smart-shopper/
Zadanie 4
Pytanie 4/4
Wraz z kolegami i koleżankami założyliście firmę uczniowską. Napisz tekst na bloga. W tekście:
– opisz, czym konkretnie zajmuje się wasza firma,
– wyjaśnij, dlaczego zdecydowaliście się otworzyć firmę i jak to zrobiliście,
– opowiedz o jednym problemie, na jaki napotkaliście, i napisz, jak go rozwiązaliście,
– zachęć innych do otwierania firm uczniowskich i napisz, dlaczego warto to robić.
Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów. Pierwsze zdanie zostało podane.
Together with some classmates we have set up a school business.
Wszelkie pytania proszę kierować na mailowy adres elikor@onet.pl lub przez dziennik elektroniczny . Jestem do dyspozycji na Messengerze w razie gdybyście potrzebowali doraźnej pomocy.
Galina Kuchta.