
Język angielski- 4BT


Temat lekcji:

Rozwiązywanie zadań maturalnych. Powtórzenie materiału z rozdziału  ” DOM”

Planowany przebieg lekcji:

  1. Przypomnij sobie  słownictwo na temat ”DOM”. Podręcznik str.54-55. Bank słów. Link do podręcznika w formacie PDF:
  2. Przypomnij sobie  wzory form pisemnych obowiązujących na poziomie podstawowym  oraz  zwroty przydatne przy wypowiedzi pisemnej( str.20-26. Link do podręcznika podany wyżej)
  3. Rozwiąż zadania . Odpowiedzi przyślij na Messenger lub elikor@onet.pl. Powodzenia.

*Pytanie 1/8

Wysłuchaj nagrania. W każdym zadaniu (1.1.–1.5.) wybierz jedną odpowiedź spośród A, B lub C.
1.1. Aluminum foil on the radiator

A. turns cold air into steam.
B. should be used on internal walls.
C. makes the warm air go back to the room.
1.2. Traditional curtains

A. can be replaced with something else.
B. should be used on windows only.
C. should be neither thin nor thick.
1.3. Mini draughts

A. come from letterboxes.
B. come from keyholes.
C. both answers are correct.

1.4. You can use your own materials and skills to make
A. a draught excluder.
B. a PVC curtain.
C. a shelf .

1.5. You should not

A. use all your rooms during winter.

B. keep heating on all day.

C. put anything over the radiator.

Pytanie 2/8
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i dobierz do niego właściwy nagłówek (A–F).
(2.1.) ………….
This is not what I expected for $1,600. I’m standing in the middle of my new bedroom, which is a small white box measuring about seven by 12 feet with a double bed, Ikea side table, small dresser, and light bulb hanging from the ceiling. A scratchy towel is folded and placed at the end of the bed. I’m still standing there holding my suitcase, when a guy comes to put a piece of notebook paper, with “Welcome, Alden!” scribbled on it in marker. He places this on the towel and says, “Sorry, we usually do that before you arrive!”

adapted from: http://www.refinery29.com/millennials-commune-living

A. Some formalities
B. Some lifestyle tips to follow
C. Where do I get what?
D. One man’s mission
E. A great place for partying
F. The first impression

Pytanie 3/8
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i dobierz do niego właściwy nagłówek (A–F).
(2.2.) ………….
I’m at Pure House, a so-called millennial commune in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg. It’s one of several millennial communes now open or under construction in New York City. One commune in the Financial District, The Loft, seems to be all about partying. Pure House sounds a bit more like me. My impression is that it offers the opposite: fresh juice, discounts on activities like yoga at its event space in Williamsburg, plus spontaneous dinners and brunches in a positive community of like-minded, creative people. And, fortunately, there are not many formalities to deal with.
adapted from: http://www.refinery29.com/millennials-commune-living

A. Some formalities
B. Some lifestyle tips to follow
C. Where do I get what?
D. One man’s mission
E. A great place for partying
F. The first impression


Pytanie 4/8
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i dobierz do niego właściwy nagłówek (A–F).
(2.3.) ………….
A great advantage of Pure House is that it doesn’t require a credit check or any of the other paperwork and financial requirements you typically need for an apartment in New York. It’s also month-to-month. To qualify, you just need to prove you’ll fit in. The application asks you to share your story, your passions, and how you would be an essential member of the community. The rent ranges from
1,950 a month. That’s affordable compared to everything else in this trendy neighborhood, where a typical rent can be more than $3,000 per room. At Pure House, the rent includes cleaning, fresh juice, utilities, basic household supplies, and what they call the “soft value of the community.”
adapted from: http://www.refinery29.com/millennials-commune-living

A. Some formalities
B. Some lifestyle tips to follow
C. Where do I get what?
D. One man’s mission
E. A great place for partying
F. The first impression

Pytanie 5/8
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i dobierz do niego właściwy nagłówek (A–F).
(2.4.) ………….
For Ryan, the owner of the estate, who at 40 has worked in finance, real estate, tech, and now describes his career and lifestyle as helping others manifest their dreams, this is more than just a living situation, even though people tend to stay for only three to six months. He sees himself as a sort of personal guru for the people who end up there. “I care about them and they care about me,” he says of members. “My favorite thing to do is to help people actualize their dreams.”
adapted from: http://www.refinery29.com/millennials-commune-living

A. Some formalities
B. Some lifestyle tips to follow
C. Where do I get what?
D. One man’s mission
E. A great place for partying
F. The first impression

Pytanie 6/8
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i dobierz do niego właściwy nagłówek (A–F).
(2.5.) ………….
He explains that he is thinking about establishing “guardians” for the apartments, who would help others to live by the principles he believes in. They include: Show Up; Participate; Gift; Share Your Passions; Nourish Mind, Body, and Spirit; Create Rituals; Express Gratitude; and Live with Integrity. Ryan also wants to institute an alternative monetary system that revolves around values instead of money. Who doesn’t want to nourish their mind, body, and spirit? But the alternative money system seems so pie-in-the-sky, I can only nod and smile.
adapted from: http://www.refinery29.com/millennials-commune-living

A. Some formalities
B. Some lifestyle tips to follow
C. Where do I get what?
D. One man’s mission
E. A great place for partying
F. The first impression

Pytanie 7/8
Zapisz po angielsku brakujące fragmenty zdań.
3.1. Tam nie ma żadnych mieszkań. To miejsce jest wciąż placem budowy!
There are no …………………………………………… there. This place is still a ……………………………..
3.2. Odkąd się tam wprowadziliśmy, ta okolica stała się dużo lepsza.
Since we ……………………………………….. there, this ………………………………………….. has become much better.
3.3. To mieszkanie jest bardzo przestronne, a jego projekt jest bardzo nowoczesny.
This apartment is very ………………………………………… and its ………………………………………… is very modern.
3.4. Czuję się tu jak w domu, choć nie mogę znieść korków ulicznych.
I feel …………………………………………… here, although I can’t stand the ……………………………….
3.5. Powinniśmy byli kupić to mieszkanie. Nie kupiliśmy go wtedy i teraz musimy płacić taki wysoki czynsz.
We should …………………………………………… this apartment. We didn’t buy it then and now we have to pay such a high ……………………………………………

Pytanie 8/8
W wynajmowanym przez ciebie mieszkaniu zepsuła się pralka i zalała mieszkanie poniżej. Napisz e-mail do osoby, od której wynajmujesz mieszkanie. W e-mailu:
– poinformuj, co się wydarzyło,
– opisz rozmiar poniesionych strat,
– zapytaj, czy mieszkanie jest ubezpieczone oraz gdzie są stosowne dokumenty,
– przeprosisz za zaistniałą sytuację i zaoferujesz pomoc.
Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów. Pierwsze zdanie zostało podane.
Dear Mr Brown,
I am writing to inform you about an accident which has just happened.

Wszelkie pytania proszę kierować na mailowy adres elikor@onet.pl lub przez dziennik elektroniczny . Jestem do dyspozycji na Messengerze w razie gdybyście potrzebowali doraźnej pomocy.

Galina Kuchta.