Język angielski 23.04.2020 r.
Temat lekcji: Wyrażanie opinii na temat związane z polityką w oparciu o wysłuchane teksty.
Celem lekcji jest powtórzenie i rozwijanie umiejętności mówienia oraz słuchania ze zrozumieniem na temat związany z polityką (Dział tematyczny- państwo i społeczeństwo).
Przebieg lekcji:
Otwieramy podręcznik na str. 168 i wykonujemy zadania 1,2,3 i 4 na tej stronie.
Zad 1. Czytamy 3 stwierdzenie i wybieramy jedno i wyrażamy opinię na jego temat.
1. It is important for all eligible people to vote in elections.
2. There is no longer a role for royal families in our society.
3. There are only advantages to Poland belonging to the European Union.
4. Wars never solve problems between countries.
be eligible to do sth- być uprawnionym do zrobienia czegoś
vote for sth- głosować za czymś
vote against sth- głsować przeciwko czemuś
society- społeczeństwo
belong to the EU- należeć do UE
solve problems- rozwiązywać problemy
Zad 2. Słuchamy nagrania (wypowiedzi 4 osób) na temat kwestii politycznych i przyporządkowujemy zdania (A-E) do każdej osoby (1-4):
Rozmówcy: 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.-
This speaker:
A. mentions the need for a national identity
B. points out the high cost of an institution
C. expresses frustration at ordinary people’s behawior
D. discusses a big political change
E. admits that ideals are not always put into practice.
mention sth- wspominać
need for a national identity- potrzeba (poczucia) tożsamości narodowej
point out sth- podkreślać coś/zwracać na coś uwagę
ordinary people- zwykli ludzie
admit- przyznawać
put into practice- stosować w prakty/wpowadzać w życie
Nagranie: 2.27:
Skrypt z nagrania:
It makes me angry when people say it’s not worth bothering to vote during an election. They use the excuse that there’s nothing to choose between the political parties, or that politicians don’t really want to make things better. OK, there’s some truth in that, but a couple of hundred years ago, people weren’t even allowed to say who they wanted to govern them. It doesn’t take much to put an X in a box, does it? I mean, if nobody took part, where would we be then?
Some people don’t like the idea of having a single currency or the same laws as other places in Europe. Everyone wants their own country to be special. They feel like they’re less individual and unique if they form a group with other countries. But other people think it’s great that we are becoming closer to our neighbours, and we’re stronger when we’re all connected. I’m not sure what I think, myself. Most things in politics have good and bad points, right?
I think background shouldn’t come into it for any job. It shouldn’t matter who you are, what you look like, which school you went to, or how much money your family has. It should be all about skills and experience. Of course in the real world, it’s not always like that, is it? It’s pretty obvious that appearance plays a role in who gets hired, and I suppose it really does matter for some jobs. But in the end, everybody should have the same chances.
There aren’t that many royal families in Europe now, are there? Some people think they’re a waste of time, and definitely a waste of money. Just think of what they spend on travel, clothes and things! But others believe that having a royal family is good for a country because it brings in tourists. They’re a kind of symbol of the country, really. And they don’t have that much political power, anyway, do they?
Słownictwo z nagrania:
bother- zadawać sobie trud; bother sb- niepokoić kogoś; przeszkadzać
it’s not worth doing sth- nie być wartym robienia czegoś
an excuse– wymówka, usprawiedliwienie
govern sth/sb- zarządzać/rządzić czymś/kimś
a single currency- jedna waluta
close to sth– blisko czegoś
background- tło; wykształcenie; tutaj: pochodzenie (social background- pochodzenie społeczne)
come into it– mieć na coś wpływ (mieć w czymś znaczenie)
matter- mieć znaczenie
pretty obvious- dość oczywiste
appearance (physical appearance)- wygląd fizyczny
hire sb– zatrudniać kogoś (get hired)- być zatrudnionym
a royal family- rodzina królewska
a waste of time- strata czasu
bring in tourists- przyciąga turystów= (attract tourists)
Zad 3. Uzupełniamy zdania właściwymi wyrazami na podstawie powyższego nagrania.
Posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi:
Nagranie 2.28:
Zad 4. Posłuchaj nagrania jak uczeń wykonuje ustne zadanie maturalne: (zad 3- rozmowa na podstawie materiału stymulującego)
Nagranie 2.29:
Skrypt z nagrania:
Student: I would choose photo two as it shows a young woman, she may be a student, who is interviewing a young man in the street. I suppose she’s explaining to him why he should vote. I wouldn’t choose the other photo because … er … I just think it’s not good for the project.
Examiner: What should a good politician be like?
Student: Well, the most important thing is being prepared to work for other people. It is wrong if a politician is only interested in his or her own business. Also, a good politician should know the needs of the voters really well and should keep their promises from the election campaign.
Examiner: What can be done to make young people more interested in politics?
Student: It’s a difficult question. I think young people are not into politics as they have other, more challenging things to do.
Oczekiwania i praca domowa:
1. Posłuchać kilkakrotnie nagrań i opanować z nich słownictwo.
Umieć odpowiedzieć samemu na pytania:
a) What should a good politician be like? (Jaki powinien być dobry polityk?)
b) What can be done to make young people more interested in politcs? (Co może być zrobione aby zainteresować bardziej młodych ludzi polityką)
2. W celu podsumowania słownictwa z nagrania wykonaj zadanie na na Platformie Learning Apps:
Link do zadania: https://learningapps.org/display?v=p41bjdi1j20
W razie pytań archilczuk@gmail.com lub kontakt przez Facebook.
Ariel Chilczuk