Temat lekcji:
Rozwiązywanie zadań maturalnych.
Planowany przebieg lekcji:
Rozwiązywanie zadań maturalnych
1)Pytanie 1/4
Wysłuchaj dwóch tekstów i krótko odpowiedz na pytania (1.1.–1.5.).
1.1. What percentage of people thought that the Cairngorms in the Scottish Highlands were overseas?
1.2. What percentage of people thought that the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire was overseas?
1.3. What’s the name of the exhibition that is bei ng prepared for St George’s Day?
1.4. When is St George’s Day celebrated?
1.5. When will the exhibition close?
Nagranie do zadania:
Pytanie 2/4
Przeczytaj tekst i dobierz do luk (2.1.–2.5.) brakujące zdania (A–F).
How the English see the French
The English/French thing all began in 1066, when one of the basic English myths was born. The mythology, expressed in stories, books, and movies over the centuries, was of cruel French invaders stealing the land, riches and women of the good-hearted Saxons. (2.1.) ……….
The French language was the international language of civilization in the 12th, 13th, and 14th century. It became the language of power and is one of the main reasons why English is the richest language in the world. Almost all you need to know about relations between the French-speaking Normans and the English-speaking Saxons can be found in the English words for animals and the meat they brought to tables. The Saxon had cows and the Norman ate beef (boeuf), the sheep on the moors became the mutton (mouton) on the Normans’ plates, and on it goes—deer/venison, pig/pork, calf/veal, chicken/pullet, etc. Saxon farmers were preparing food for their Norman lords. (2.2.) ……….
Even after the Middle Ages, the story of English-French relationships is full of battles between the two countries. Even the British history and legends of the Second World War are full of negative images of the French. For every brave deed of the French resistance, there are stories of the low behavior of the Vichy French, and the cynicism of people like Captain Louis Renault in Casablanca. (2.3.) ………. For instance, the British took the side of the US and participated in the invasion of Iraq, while the French government and people opposed it. The British gutter press immediately wrote about “surrender monkeys” then.
Many things changed in the British/French cultural relationship after the Second World War, however. Elizabeth David wrote a series of cook books in the late 1940s and early 1950s in which she observed that, in England, there are sixty different religions and only one sauce, unlike in France, a country with one religion and hundreds of sauces. (2.4.) ………. For example, A.E. Benson in 1930 wrote of Victorian land-owners: Many of them had never crossed the Channel and were quite sure that no foreigner could ever be trusted, and that outside England there was nothing good to eat.
Another positive image of the French came in the 1950s and 1960s. Those of us who were young then saw English life as boring and we felt that it had to change. (2.5.) ………. The first was the America of Elvis Presley, vast cars, Camels, Hollywood, the beat generation, cocktails and JFK. The second was the France of the existentialists, Brigitte Bardot, songs by Edith Piaf, and red wine. The ones who went for the American model were buying white sports jackets and a car. Those who were Francophiles dressed in black, wrote poetry and wore sunglasses indoors at night. The French clearly seemed more intelligent, more handsome and beautiful, more stylish, better lovers, and had a far better approach to life than the provincial England.
adapted from: “A personal view. A talk given to the Alliance Française, Fresno” by Michael Gorman, October 21st 2003
A. Such tendencies can be seen even nowadays.
B. A change in how the British eat and speak is unavoidable.
C. British post-War enthusiasm for French things was in contrast to the attitudes of decades before.
D. This is how language reflects power.
E. Saxons were different from Normans both in food and in language.
F. There were two models for that change.
G. Such practices were described by Sir Walter Scott in his novel “Ivanhoe”.
3) Pytanie 3/4
Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki (3.1.–3.5.) odpowiednimi wyrazami.
Thai man jailed for 30 years for ‘insulting’ royals on Facebook
The Thai King is protected by one of the world’s strictest royal defamation rules under which anyone (3.1.) ……………………………………… of insulting the King or Queen faces up to 15 years in prison for each insult.
On Friday Bangkok’s military court found Pongsak Sriboonpeng, aged 48, (3.2.) ……………………………….. …… of posting messages and pictures criticizing the monarchy. According to the police, he used Facebook under the name “sam parr” in six different critical posts on Facebook
Consequently, he was (3.3.) ……………………………………… to 10 years for each insult, but the 60-year jail term was reduced to 30 years after he (3.4.) ……………………………………… guilty. He said that he thought he was entrapped by a poorly chosen Facebook friend. He had made an online acquaintance with a man who shared his views. After the arrest, he met his Facebook “friend.” He was among the officers interrogating him.
In another conviction this week, Samak Pantay, 55, was found guilty of destroying a portrait of the King and Queen in July last year. He (3.5.) ……………………………………… to the charge, too, so the judge reduced the sentence to five years, considering that Samak has been diagnosed as mentally sick for more than 10 years.
Because they were arrested under the military dictatorship, and tried in a military court, there was no right to appeal against the sentence. Critics complain that this law is used as a weapon against political enemies of the king.
adapted from: https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/decidedcases/pongsak-s/;
A. pleaded,
B. sentenced,
C. confessed,
D. convicted,
E. guilty
4) Pytanie 4/4
Na forum toczy się dyskusja o tym, od jakiego wieku ludzie skazani za przestępstwa powinni trafiać do więzień. Zredaguj wypowiedź, w której:
– podasz jeden argument za karą więzienia dla osób od 16. roku życia,
– podasz jeden argument za karą więzienia dla osób od 21. roku życia,
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– zaapelujesz o rozważną debatę w tej sprawie i poprosisz innych forumowiczów o opinie.
Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
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a convicted person, to go to prison a burning social issue
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Galina Kuchta