Temat lekcji:
Wyrażanie opinii na temat 'Państwo i Społeczeństwo” w oparciu o wysłuchany tekst.
Plan przebiegu lekcji:
Zadanie 1.
Wysłuchaj wywiadu i wskaż poprawne odpowiedzi w poniższych zadaniach.
1.1. Which is true about William?
A. he was a soldier
B. he holds a PhD degree
C. he lives in Canada
1.2. Recently he has been
A. surprised and amused.
B. happy and politically involved.
C. sad and angry.
1.3. If you are a Canadian living abroad, you cannot vote if:
A. you have been out of the country for more than five years.
B. if you live in the US or Australia.
C. if you earn less than 1.4 million dollars a year.
1.4. The protest against the new law was supported by
A. the Conservative government.
B. the Canadian army.
C. a celebrity.
1.5. William is going to
A. vote online.
B. appeal the verdict.
C. move to a country where he can vote.
Zadanie 2.
Poniższe fragmenty (A–E) pochodzą z dwóch tekstów. Są podane w przypadkowej kolejności. Podaj poprawną kolejność fragmentów, tak by powstały dwa odrębne i spójne teksty.
Text 1 – Happiness Index
2.1. …………..
2.2. …………..
Text 2 – Countries could be like families
2.3. …………..
2.4. …………..
2.5. …………..
A. In families, people often discuss matters that worry them. There will be many opinions, even conflicts may occur. But in a happy family, once a final decision is made, everyone will accept it, even if they only partly agree with it. They do want to stay together, after all. Something is more important to all of them than their own opinion, and that is the family, the thing whose future they have come together to discuss.
B. The same should be true for politics. An argument must start with a shared identity. There has to be a “we”, if the individuals are to stay together, accepting each other’s opinions and desires, even though they disagree about some things.
C. Everyone wants to be happy and more and more countries around the world are considering happiness in policy making. As this year’s World Happiness Report states, “Happiness is increasingly considered an indicator of social progress and a goal of public policy.” But what makes people happy, and which countries have the highest levels of happiness?
D. To put it in another way, the family is part of who they are. It forms their identity. It is the thing that does not change, although their opinions change and conflict. It is what makes arguments, and therefore rational discussion, possible.
E. For the report, researchers ranked countries based on factors including healthy life expectancy, social support, GDP per capita, the happiness of a country’s children, social capital, the civil economy, the absence of corruption, and subjective well-being. Looking at the results, we find that the happiest countries are those that build stronger social ties and a strong sense of community.
Zadanie 3.
Wskaż wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.
3.1. A. arson, B. theft, C. handcuffs
3.2. A. forgery, B. suspect, C. bribery
3.3. A. questioning, B. drink-driving, C. hit-and-run
3.4. A. blackmail, B. hooliganism, C. evidence
3.5. A. piracy, B. investigation, C. shoplifting
Zadanie 4
Zauważyłeś/zauważyłaś, że wandale regularnie niszczą klatkę schodową w twoim bloku. Napisz e-mail do radnego twojej dzielnicy:
– opisz rodzaj zniszczeń,
– wyraź swój stosunek do tego problemu,
– napisz, co do tej pory zrobili mieszkańcy w tej sprawie,
– zaproponuj jakieś rozwiązanie i poproś o pomoc w jego wdrażaniu.
Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
Możesz użyć następujących słów i wyrażeń:
vandals, staircase, block of flats, to do damage, to be outraged, inhabitants, wrong-doers, monitoring system
Zadanie 5.
Wyraź swoją opinię, odpowiadając na pytania :
- Do you ever give money to charity? Why?/ Why not?
- If you found $100,000 in a bag on the street, what would you do with it?
- Why do people become homeless?
- What qualities make a good political leader?
Odpowiedzi proszę przesłać na adres : elikor@onet.pl lub na Messengera.
Galina Kuchta.