
Język angielski – 4 BT

Temat lekcji:
Rozwiązywanie zadań maturalnych. Powtórzenie materiału z rozdziału ” PRACA ”
Planowany przebieg lekcji:
*Przypomnij sobie słownictwo na temat ”PRACA ”. Podręcznik str.82-83. Bank słów. Link do podręcznika w formacie PDF:
*Przypomnij sobie wzory form pisemnych obowiązujących na poziomie podstawowym oraz zwroty przydatne przy wypowiedzi pisemnej( str.20 -26. Link do podręcznika podany wyżej)
*Rozwiąż zadania . Odpowiedzi przyślij na Messenger  lub elikor@onet.pl. Powodzenia.

Pytanie 1/4
Usłyszysz wypowiedzi trzech osób. W każdym zadaniu (1.1.–1.5.) wybierz jedną odpowiedź spośród A, B lub C.

1.1. Mike
A. went to university to get this job.
B. talked about his hobbies for five minutes.
C. was well-prepared for the interview.

1.2. To impress the interviewers better, Mike
A. took pictures with him to the interview.
B. decided to dance free-style.
C. never showed any embarrassment during the interview.

1.3. Linda explained that
A. only employed people dance sometimes.
B. dancing is only the beginning of the interview.
C. they never do dancing tasks in the company.

1.4. Jim
A. thinks that dancing is the craziest interviewing method he’s heard about.
B. shows some understanding for both sides in the conflict.
C. finds the dancing technique innovative and relaxing.

1.5. Which speakers express a negative attitude to what happened?

A. Mike and Linda  B. Linda and Jim
C. All of them


Pytanie 2/4
Przeczytaj tekst. Dopasuj nagłówki (A–F) do każdej części tekstu (2.1.–2.5.).
Women in business
A new report looks at the role of women in the business sector.
2.1. ……….
The world has finally realized that women in rich countries make around 80% of all decisions to buy something. Even cars are now often chosen by women, and car-makers have changed their designs to appeal to female tastes.
2.2. ……….
But there is one area where women’s power has so far been ignored: business-to-business. As more women work outside the home, and more of them are becoming senior managers, a growing number are responsible for what their companies buy from other companies. This is the case in about half of all the companies, but until now little attention has been paid to what women really like and dislike.
2.3. ……….
Most companies realize that a different approach is needed to do business with women, but have been slow to do anything about it. The most important thing is how the company’s leadership handles this issue. If the boss thinks women are important, the company will try to look after them.
2.4. ……….
For instance, when selling hygiene services, most men react best to facts, while many women are more easily influenced by visual evidence. When a company offers social events for buyers, the women, perhaps unsurprisingly, are less interested than men in sports, pubs and breakfasts, and more willing to take part in such activities as a flower show or a fashion event.
2.5. ……….
Women’s openness and willingness to cooperate often helps to bring change. Women are also better at building relationships. Relationships with customers are very important in big businesses, which makes women truly valuable. Companies cannot afford to waste senior women who are good at their jobs.

A. What can be done?
B. A special event for women
C. Women’s dominance
D. Neglected grounds
E. Why does it matter?
F. Some practical tips
G. What do women dislike?



Pytanie 3/4
Uzupełnij luki (3.1.–3.5.) wybranymi słowami.
Here is some good news for today.
Britain faces another year of growth, because low prices and rising (3.1.) …………………………………….. make families richer. The banks now expect weekly wages to (3.2.) …………………………………….. by 3 per cent this year – up from the 2.5 per cent it predicted just three months ago.
The economy is growing and (3.3.) …………………………………….. has fallen over the past two years. In 2015, an average household (3.4.) …………………………………….. is expected to rise more strongly than in any year since 2007. Living (3.5.) …………………………………….. have been lowered by falling oil prices.

A. increase
B. imports
C. costs
D. money
E. unemployment
F. income
G. wages



Pytanie 4/4
Całe lato pracowałeś/pracowałaś jako kelner/kelnerka. Zredaguj na ten temat wpis na międzynarodowe forum dla osób zainteresowanych taką pracą. W tekście:
– opisz obowiązki kelnera/kelnerki w restauracji w twoim kraju,
– wymień jedną zaletę i jedną wadę tej pracy,
– napisz, jakie predyspozycje są potrzebne, by dobrze wykonywać tę pracę,
– poinformuj, jak można starać się o zatrudnienie w charakterze kelnera/kelnerki.
Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów. Pierwsze zdanie zostało podane.
Hi everyone. I am going to write about being a waiter in my country.


Wszelkie pytania proszę kierować na mailowy adres elikor@onet.pl lub przez dziennik elektroniczny . Jestem do dyspozycji na Messengerze w razie gdybyście potrzebowali doraźnej pomocy.
Galina Kuchta.