
Język angielski 2BT


Temat lekcji:

Powtórzenie wiadomości z rozdziału ”Szkoła ”; ”Praca”

Rozwijanie umiejętności rozumienia tekstu czytanego (uzupełnienie zdań podanymi wyrazami)
Utrwalenie poznanego słownictwa i struktur gramatycznych(tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań)

Planowany przebieg lekcji:


Uzupełnij luki (3.1.–3.5.) wyrazami wybranymi spośród poniższych.

Your Guide to Smartphone Manners

Question: I recently attended a work (3.1.) ………………………………………………. at which very respectable professors spoke. To my surprise, several people all the time were checking their phones and kept them on the tables. What’s the etiquette in such a situation?

Answer: This is becoming more and more common. After all, our phone holds many of the details of our lives and brings the whole world into the palm of our hand! No wonder we’re attached to our smartphones. In fact, if ours is lost we panic. It’s become so essential (and addictive?) that we each need to consider for ourselves “Do we own our smartphone, or is it just smart enough that it owns us?”

This behavior always sends the same message: You are not as important to me as the person who is contacting me. This is why many job (3.2.) ………………………………………………. include a real-life setting, such as dinner. Watching someone in action — e.g. does she treat the waiter well? — is an important source of information about the person.

There are some exceptions, however. There are true (3.3.) ………………………………………………. both personal and work-related, that require people to leave in a hurry or to keep checking their messages. Maybe you’re a doctor on call. In fact, even then keep your phone off the table, and on your lap and on vibrate. The only things that belong on a table are food and the things needed to eat it. Not even our elbows should to be on the table, so why would we put a phone on it?

If you are organizing an event, you may ask people to turn off their phones and to sit near the door if they need to leave early. You can do this with a sign at the (3.4.) ……………………………………………….table. You can also make an (3.5.) ………………………………………………. from the podium before the speaker begins.

adapted from: http://www.mannersmentor.com/personal-polish/your-savvy-guide-to-smartphone-manners

A. interviews
B. announcement
C. emergencies
D. registration
E. event
F. earnings

Zadanie 2.

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

3.1. Caren loves to go on ………………………………………………………………… (wymiany szkolne).

3.2. Which year did he …………………………………………………………………………….. (ukończył) from the university?

3.3. The teacher looked into the ………………………………………………………………………. (elektroniczny dziennik lekcyjny) and started the lesson.

3.4. There are more and more proponents of ………………………………………….. (nauka przez internet).

3.5. I have never complained about my ……………………………………………………………. (plan lekcji) so far at school.

Rozwiązanie zadań  proszę wysyłać na elikor@onet.pl lub na Messenger. Wszelkie pytania proszę kierować na mailowy adres elikor@onet.pl lub przez dziennik elektroniczny . Jestem do dyspozycji na Messengerze w razie gdybyście potrzebowali doraźnej pomocy.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Galina Kuchta .