Język angielski 17.04.2020 r. (2 godzina)
Temat lekcji: Sprawy publiczne w mediach w wysłuchanych wypowiedziach.
Celem lekcji jest rozwijanie umiejętności słuchania ze zrozumieniem oraz mówienia na tematy związane z państwem i społeczeństwem.
Przebieg lekcji:
Otwieramy podręcznik na str. 164 i wykonujemy zadania 1,2,3 i 4.
Zad 1. Opisujemy ilustrację i odpowiadamy na pytania. (Przykladowa odpowiedź):
In the picture I can see 4 people. They’re probably politicians or some candidates for important state offices. They are sitting at the table in the TV studio. It looks like they’re discussing some issues, probably political or economic ones.
a politician- polityk
an issue– tu: kwestia, sprawa
a state office– urząd państwowy
Pytania do zdjęć i przykładowe odpowiedzi?
Pyt. 1. Are you interested in public affairs? (Czy interesują Cię sprawy państwowe?)
Yes I’m. I take great interest in public affairs and politics. I watch TV news and public affairs programmes every day.
Pyt. 2. What public affairs programmes are there on Polish television? Do you watch them? Why/Why not? (Jakie programy publicystyczne są w Polskiej TV? Czy je oglądasz? Dlaczego/Dlaczego nie)
There’re quite a lot of such programmes, for example: „Minęła 20” or „Kropka Nad I”. I don’t really watch these programmes because their hosts are biased. I try to read articles and columns online and I form my own opinions about them.
a host- prowadzący program (gospodarz programu)
be biased- być stronniczym
a column- felieton
form an opinion– wyrabiać opinię
Zad 2. Słuchamy nagrania 2.25 (Są to 4 wypowiedzi różnych osób) i ustal jakiego tematu (a-d) one dotycza.
a) a crisis that is happening now
b) an opinion about how public money is spent
c) a plan for the future
d) the challenges of a particular job
Skrypt do nagrania:
Max: What are you planning to do over the summer, Ana?
Ana: I’m planning to do some charity work, actually.
Max: Really? Are you going to volunteer?
Ana: Yes, that’s the idea. I’ve already saved up quite a bit of money from my Saturday job in the supermarket, so I’m not desperate for cash.
Max: And I suppose you can still keep your Saturday job, can’t you?
Ana: Exactly, and I’ve never done anything like this before, so I think it will be good for me.
I grew up speaking two languages – English and Mandarin– and in secondary school it was really easy for me to learn other languages. So I decided pretty early on to focus on modern languages at university. I wasn’t sure what kind of career I wanted – maybe teaching, I thought. But then I did some translating for foreign students at university, and that led to my working at the United Nations as a translator. It’s not the right job for everybody, for sure. You have to be extremely focused. You can’t start thinking about other things or you’ll lose your concentration. You do have to learn to relax, though. Some people are so nervous about making a mistake that they get exhausted after a short time.
Paul: So if we can’t cut spending on schools or state employees, where can we save money?
Kate: Well, my group has proposed some areas for the governor to consider … and personally I think the most important one is the prison system. We spend far too much, and only because so many people are in prison who really shouldn’t be.
Paul: What do you mean? If somebody commits a crime, shouldn’t they get punished?
Kate: There should be consequences, yes. But why should non-violent offenders be locked up for years? There are much better options.
Paul: Such as?
Kate: I’m all for community service programmes. Give these people some useful skills, then put them to work in ways that help the community. I’ve seen it done, and it works.
… There has been tension on the border between the two countries for several weeks, but talks between the two sides have kept things under control until today, when a rocket was fired, injuring several people in the town. United Nations forces are in the area and are ready if they are needed to help keep the peace. The conflict started when both countries claimed oil and mineral rights in the mountainous region on the eastern border, and discussions have not led to an agreement on how these valuable rights should be divided. Reporting live from the region, we have Dana Carey of INT news services. Dana, can you tell us what …
Słownictwo z nagrania:
do charity work- wykonywać prace charytatywne
save up money- zaoszczędzić pieniądze
be desperate for cash- potrzebować bardzo pieniędzy
grow up– dorastać
foreign students/people- studenci/ludzie z zagranicy.
focus on sth- skupić się na czymś
lead (lead-led-led)- tu: doprowadzić; kierować, prowadzić
lose conentration- stracić koncentrację
though– chociaż, choć
make a mistake- popełnić błąd
get exhausted– zmęczyć się
a governonr- gubernator
spend far too much– wydawać dalece za dużo
commit a crime– popełnić przestępstwo
be/get punished– być ukaranym
a violent offender- brutalny przestępca
be (all) for sth- być za czymś (popierać coś)
community service programme- program prac społecznych
tension– napięcie
on the border- na granicy
fire a rocket- wystrzelić rakietę
UN forces- siły ONZ (UNITED NATIONS- Zjednoczone Narody)
keep the peace– utrzymać pokój
claim a right- rościć sobie prawo
divide sth- podzielić coś
report live- relacjonować na żywo
Zad 4. Wysłuchaj jeszcze raz nagrania o odpowiedz na poniższe pytania zaznaczając A,B lub C.
Słownictwo z polecenia:
require- wymagać
certain personality traits– pewne cechy osobowości
a state prison- państwowe więzienie (utrzymywane przez państwo)
run a prison/company/school/political party/restaurant- prowadzić (zarządzać) więzienie/firmę/szkołę/partią polityczną/restauracją.
a live report– komunikat, sprawozdanie na żywo
Oczekiwania i praca domowa:
1. Wysłuchać jeszcze raz nagrania (a najlepiej kilkakrotnie) i opanować słownictwo z lekcji- w celu podsumowania słownictwa proszę wykonać zadanie na Learning Apps: Link do zadania: https://learningapps.org/display?v=pgg59c8oa20
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Ariel Chilczuk